last update: 2019-12-24

OSM Relation Hierarchy: planet_osm

Hierarchical listing of all relations.
In the table below a relation with the tags type=route route=bicycle is written as route --> bicycle.


Total number of relations: 33
Different type tags: 6
Different hierarchical types: 8

List of rarely used relation types or without type tag: rare_relations.txt
List of relations with bad member roles: relationroles.txt
(Can be used with a spreadsheet programm to fix the relations)


row colors
established proposed incomplete misplaced_value redundant typo strange deprecated

link count relation type hierarchy note / hint
11c1 23multipolygon
3e81 1osm --> imagery
b1ea 3osm --> imagery --> aerial
5867 1osm --> imagery --> satellite
d598 1public_transport --> stop_area
d116 1restriction --> only_right_turn
4547 1route --> road
98de 2site

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Fri Feb 1 22:24:07 CET 2013