last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 10280606 Ruisseau le Bruchbach

Names: name=Ruisseau le Bruchbach
References: ref:sandre=A9060300
Wikipedia: (ceb:) (wd)
OSM: 10280606
Way members: 19

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
224838973484408222 484408223 484408302

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
4092172140985748 42253397 42253399
91790197484425204 484425206 484425211 484429228 484429229 484429231 484429232 484429233 484429234 484429235
203091902484408263 484408265 484408266 484408267 484408268 484408269 484408270
224838973432667310 432667312 432667317 432667319 432667325 432667330 484408209 484408210 484408231 484408232 484408233 484408234 484408235 484408286 484408287 484408288 484408300 484408301 484408304 484408305 484408306 484425103 484425104 484425105 484425106 484425108 484425110 484425112 484425115 484425118 484425119 484425120 484425122 484425152 484425154 484425155 484425156 484425157 484425160 484425161 484425162 484425163 484425164 484425165 484425166 484425167 484425188 484425189 484425190 484425191 484425192 484425193 484425194 484425195 484425196 484425197 484425198 484425199 484425200 484425201 484425202 484425203 484425211 484425212 484425214 484425223 484425224 484425225 484425226 484425227 484425228 484425229 484425230 484425231 484425232 744068636
228663662195929737 242664607 727108735 727108736 727108737 727108738 744068662

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010