last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2089844 Sungai Bidor

Names: name:zh=美罗河 name:en=Bidor River name=Sungai Bidor
OSM: 2089844
Way members: 3

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
76404395557265851 557855507 557855508 557855509 557855510 557855535 557855536 557855537 557855538 557855539 557855540 557855541 557855542 557855544 557855547 557855549 557855550 557855551 557855564 557903430 557903431 557903432 557903433 557903434 557903435 557903438 557903439 557903440 557903441 557903442 557903454 557903455 557903458 557903459 558164618 558164619 558164620 558164621 561818243 561818244 561818245 752890886

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
76404395144504690 174824454 208400968 219131637 219131644 219131646 219131648 219131670 219131672 219289862 219289863 241536685 241536688 241536689 241536694 241536698 241536699 241536700 241536701 241536702 241536703 241536710 241536711 241536713 241536715 241536717 242079921 242079925 242079928 242079929 242249210 242249213 242249215 242249216 242249217 242249218 242249221 242249224 242249225 242249227 242249230 242249231 242249232 242249233 339101071 405243901 405248898 405248899 405248900 405248901 414037422 545956180 545956181 548970320 556215141 556352808 556352809 556352810 556352811 556352814 556352815 556352816 556352817 556352818 556352819 556352820 556352821 556352822 556352823 556352824 556352825 556352826 556352831 556352832 556352833 556352834 556352835 556352836 556352837 556352838 556352840 556352842 556352844 556352846 556352849 556352871 556352876 556352877 556352892 556352894 556352895 556352896 556352897 556352898 556352906 556352907 556352908 556352909 556352910 556352911 556352921 556352922 556352923 556352924 556352928 556352931 556352932 556352966 556352967 556352968 556352969 556377146 556377160 556377161 556377162 556377164 556377187 556377189 556377195 556377198 556377199 556390469 556390470 556390479 556390480 556390483 556390484 556390508 556390509 556390510 556390511 556390512 556390513 556390514 556390516 556390517 556390518 556390519 556390520 556390521 556390522 556390523 556390524 556390525 556390547 556390548 556390549 556390550 556390551 556390579 556390580 556390587 556390605 556390606 556390616 556390642 556390643 556390645 556390678 556390679 556390680 556390713 556390714 556390715 556390750 556390751 557202276 557265851 557298019 557855506 557855507 557855508 557855509 557855510 557855511 557855512 557855513 557855514 557855515 557855516 557855517 557855518 557855521 557855522 557855523 557855524 557855525 557855526 557855527 557855528 557855529 557855530 557855531 557855532 557855533 557855534 557855535 557855536 557855537 557855538 557855539 557855540 557855541 557855542 557855544 557855547 557855549 557855550 557855551 557855564 557855585 557855590 557855591 557855592 557855593 557855594 557855595 557855596 557855597 557855598 557903386 557903387 557903388 557903389 557903406 557903407 557903408 557903409 557903410 557903411 557903412 557903413 557903414 557903415 557903416 557903417 557903418 557903419 557903420 557903421 557903422 557903424 557903430 557903431 557903432 557903433 557903434 557903435 557903438 557903439 557903440 557903441 557903442 557903454 557903455 557903458 557903459 558164618 558164619 558164620 558164621 558401481 561818211 561818212 561818213 561818214 572489564 656289808 656289810 664339820 664343159 664343161 664343163 664343165 664343167 664343169 664343171 664344717 664369248 664764008 664764009 664764010 664764735 664764736 664764737 664764738 664764918 664764919 664764920 664764921 752865770 752890886 753175190 753196067
175832194242079895 242079897 242079904 242079915 242249219
242080188664355776 664355777

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010