last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2205431 Avoca River

Names: name:wth=Bangyeno Banip name=Avoca River name:xww=Yangeba name:weg=Djub-djub-galg name:dja=Boca
Wikipedia: (en:) (wd)
Destination: swamp near Kerang
OSM: 2205431
Way members: 18

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
198001783359675285 359675289
334062934355233014 355233015

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
2944466246825213 158482420 158618922 158618941 198001784 556744250 556744255 741930981 741930982 741930983 741930984 741930985 741930986 741930987 741930990 741930991 741930992 741930995 741930998 742445600 742445601 742455919 742827913
35978459153514019 742837602 742837603 742837604 742837605
3719531735978463 39582261 153576487 153576547 258701955 258702040 326846043 326852167 326863524 326872633 326872643 359919095 367967489 676963990 676964001 676964003 739590507 740296211 740296212 740296213 740296216 740296221 740296222 740296223 742908725 742908726 742908727 742910324
165529272154083314 226854691 226854692 226855337 226855338 363537986 363537987
19800178335978460 39508665 153514880 153514882 153515660 153515756 153516794 153540716 153713932 258419767 258419802 359675285 359675289 359917450 359917487 359917683 359918271 365213042 367918817 370992426 370992427 673396226 673396227 740119371 740119372 740119373 740119374 741847937 741847938 741847941 741847942 741847943 742837599 742837600 742852911 742852912 742852913 742852914 742852915 742857257 742857258 742857259 742869380
223814578224190327 224190328 224190329 224192566 224192700 224192701
227120109521943059 742205832 742205833 742205836
334062935355233014 355233015

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010