last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2260259 Oyster Creek

Names: name=Oyster Creek
OSM: 2260259
Way members: 19

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
104427793163762037 163762058 163762093 163762094 164030688 164030689 164030690 164030691 164125003 164125004 164125008 348374177 348374246 348374249 348374255 348374263 348374266 348374270 348374273 348374275 640392947 640392948 640392949 640392950 640392951 640392952 640392953 640399063 642019909 642019910 642019911 642019912 642019913 642019914
24387315859243840 59243841 59244301 104353929 186395741 290766687 290766688 290801287 399731859 399731864 430546581 430546582
72322416259243841 681760637 723224159 723224160

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
104353975228709190 228709191 228709192 228709193 228709195 228709196 228709198 228709199 228709201 228709202 228709206 228709212 228709215 228709216 229702094 229702110 229702112 229702118 229702119 543995217 543995414
104431489156095766 156095767 156095768 156095776 216998079 216999899 230068146 230068149 230068315 230068316 230068318 230068319 230091801 230172329 230172331 230172801 230172807 230242645 230242646
104432522115572339 543579417 543579420

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010