last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2765933 Wkra

Names: name:lv=Vkra name=Wkra name:lt=Vkra name:pl=Wkra
Wikipedia: (pl:) (wd)
Destination: Narew
OSM: 2765933
Way members: 13

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
26010518299868113 451763671

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
2600674826008374 26008375 39774463 39774569 39774692 233444231 233444232 296333003 305638841 305638843 305638858 311019915 320459933 320463241 332101512 332101513 350463475 350463476 350463498 374143078 380052775 380052777 382662190 382662191 382662192 382662193 389533852 389533853 389703702 389703703 389703704 389703705 432390019 432390020 625721690 625721691 625721693 625721694 625721695 625721696 625721697 625721698 625721699 625721700 625721703 625721704
26010497301632009 301632010 619476660 619476661
2601050339774585 151060456 238921896 238921897 238921898 238921912 238921914 300878934 301331110 301396996 314149108 314149116 541009489 555663264 555663267 555663269 555663272 555663274 555663277 555663279 555663282 555663285 555663287 555663290 555663293 555663296 555663298 555663301 555663303 555663305 555663307 555663314 555663317 555663326 555663329 555663332 555663333 555663336 555663338 560573189 560574265 565113562 666033658 700727270 700727271 702990961 702990962 702990971 702990972 703031402 703031403 703031404 703031405 703031411 703031412
26010509313107572 313107575 313263699 479592690 479779233 479779234 479779235 479779236 479779237 479779238 479779239 479779240 479779241 479779242 480285789 480285790 480285791 480285792 480285793 480285794 480285795 480285796 480285797 480285798 480285799 480285800 480285801 480285802 480285803 480285804 481152946 481152947 481152948 481152949 481152950 481152951 481152952 481152953 481211538 481211539 481211543 481211544 481211545 481211546 481211547 481323418 481323419 481323420 481323421 481323422 481323423 481323424 481323425 481323426 481323427 481323428 481323429 481323430 481323431 481323432 481323433 481323434 481323435 481323436 481323437 481323438 481323439 481323440 481323441 481323442 481323443 481323444 481323445 481323448 481323450 481324703 481324704 481324705 481324706 481324707 481324708 482700712 482700713 482700714 482700715 550400962
26010518299868113 451763671
26011295151416144 501113270 502804807
26012635149951756 149957724 149965297 181226904 181227169 225021813 225021818

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010