last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2847177 walennae

Names: name=walennae
OSM: 2847177
Way members: 2

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
200864609220839926 351535678 351821879 351821880 351821881
350246067201062834 594822515

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
200864609220839926 286671870 286676337 286676338 286676339 286676340 286676341 286676342 289971317 342412919 349577195 349577196 349685952 349998260 350021274 350242037 350242038 350245131 350277091 350277092 350282183 350282184 350285381 350290098 350392826 350392827 350698892 350701631 350754199 350754200 351821879 351821880 351821881 353744192 480430278 571215040 571258932 571525150 589803009 589829259 590061287 590061329 590087263
350246067201062833 201716876 201900019 201902055 202279456 202362101 203686726 211893228 221026507 248976125 248976126 249374403 251729959 278301985 278314747 278459862 342440496 342456241 342471788 342471789 348855706 348855716 348855735 348855738 348900724 349271380 349271381 349352317 349352345 349364442 349364451 349364456 349364462 349572239 350782639 351031958 351031962 479997801 562401005 590008160 590008161 591996224 620595747 620595748 625240373

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010