last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2848682 Bürgerfließ

Names: name:hsb=Kósowa name=Bürgerfließ name:dsb=Kósowa
OSM: 2848682
Way members: 7

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
3531400037697595 37697822 102266410 150258613 239756315
15025644123087621 23098513 33462116 33462589 33462601 37868429 125759846 128617416 192721801 233988174 357756839
21582084437868267 128617418 287287403

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
27471878186969034 192721804 192756656 192756664 406199939 406199941 431571637 431571644 431571646 431571647 522621560
3531400037697595 37697822 150258613 239756315 522621518 522621523 522621532 522621541
15025644126993884 26993886 37863962 37868429 100494483 100736610 100736611 101185753 102060784 102060787 102067066 102338963 102338968 102338972 102338973 102345267 102345506 102345508 128617416 148994779 192721801 213910067 286820203 286820205 359873976 359873977 522621574
21582084423088433 23098513 33462116 33462589 33462601 128617418 233988170 233988174 282732462 282732463 287287404 357432215

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010