last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2872786 Lewis Ponds Creek

Names: name=Lewis Ponds Creek
Destination: Summer Hill Creek
OSM: 2872786
Way members: 5

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
76193636456345599 456345600 456345634
216930700456345601 456345602 456345603 456345604 456345612 456345613 456345622 456345623 456345630 456345631 456345632 456345633 456345635 456345636 457391151 457391152 457391320
30074648143112586 99260544 99281597 99315432 111295156 111295202 111295294 111295405 111295580 111295583 171643856 171643857 176969832 176969834 216921850 219640011 230000862 230220203 230220204 230220205 230220206 230220221 230220235 230220236 230220237 230220238 230220366 230220377 230220378 230220380 230220386 234876972 264055455 286258152 286258153 367427061 367427062 367427064 367427070 367427079 367427123 374811098 374811099 402065242 402065243 402065244 456936253 456936254 456936257 456936258 456936389 456936390 456936391 457391088 457391089 457391121 457391122 457391129 457391130 457391135 457391136 457391139 457391140 457391149 457391150 457391155 457391156 457391157 457391158 457391166 457391170 457391183 457391187 457391192 457391196 457391210 457391214 457391215 457391216 457391217 457391218 457391223 457391224 457391225 457391226 457391227 457391228 457391230 457391233 457391269 457391270 457391282 457391283 457391284 457391285 457391323 457391324 457391351 457391353 457391354 457391355 457391359 457391360 457391361 457391362 457391368 457391369 457391370 457391371 457391372 457391373 457391374 457391375 457391376 457391377 457391378 457391379 457391380 457391381 457391382 457391383 458242258 458242259 458242260 458242261 458242262 458242263 458242264 458242265 526076711 526354867

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010