last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2989780 La Moselle Canalisée

Names: name=La Moselle Canalisée name:lt=Mozelio kanalas
References: ref:sandre=A---0082
OSM: 2989780
Way members: 108

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
108497939366029042 366030649
178873216732641953 732641954
22474307833703965 195187347 224743068 305206887 305213437 305213438 305213439 305213441 305213442

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
10041526199841115 224917704
48602733178180612 178180621 178180624 292206021 292206022
108497942222137982 222154396 222155302 657057946 657057948 657057949 657057950 657057951 657057952 657057953 657057954 657057955 657057956 657057957 657057958 657057959 657057960 657057961 657057962 657057963 657057964 657057965 657057966 657057967 657057968 657057969 657057970 657057971 657067157 657067158 657968314 657968315 657968316 657968317 657968318 657968319 657968323 657968328 657968331
178873220178177746 225538640 225538642 226041183 226041186 226041188 226041192 226399190 226399191 241003893 361243686 361243687
224838678178172177 235458970 296414552 296414553
225141479300793731 300793732 300793747 312492559 312492560 472558385 475346045 616890921 616890929 616926885 616926886
225157391225306190 225306191 505074586
234896047165257029 165260396 165260397 178172842 208027071 208027072
234918500599392159 599471744

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010