last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 3177467 obere Altzaucher Spree

Names: name:hsb=Staroniwańska rěka name=obere Altzaucher Spree name:dsb=Staroniwańska rěka
OSM: 3177467
Way members: 10

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
18666685542223473 71229122 164411797 164413825 175804350 175927015 175927016 181131821 181131838 186668737 186668738 186668739 186668742 199523336 199523337 199523338 199523339 199523340 199523341 199523343 199523346
18907950338023171 42223465 42223473 42223604 42223608 164411798 175804275 175804367 175927013 175927014 175927293 175927294 175927295 175927296 175927306 181131760 181131766 181131868 181131869 181131919 189079535 189079578 189079591 189079610 189079621 189079637 271990943 427418108 427418109 458987731 458987735 458987736
19972071738023169 38023171 164413822 164413823 164413825 164413826 175804308 175804313 175804374 181131796 181131832 181131857 181131868 181131873 181131877 181131910 181131911 181131914 181131919 199686656 364542858 369083616 369083617 399098847 427418110
399076197175804330 175804377 175927304 175927306

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
186666855164411798 175804367 175804368 175927013 175927014 175927293 175927294 175927295 175927296 181131868 181131869 181131911 181131914 181131919 399098847 427418108 427418109
189079503175804295 175804299 175804304 175804306 175804334 175927173 175927213 181131800 181131803 181131808 181131815 181131828 181131844 190115960 190115961 199561844 199561847 199808808 399076199 399076202
199720717175804293 175804340 175804351 175804368 175804374 181131792 181131793 181131813 181131823 181131837 181131873 181131877 181131910 189079511 189079513 189079517 189079539 189079549 189079551 189079605 189079620 189079622 189079623 189079624 189079638 199635082 199635084 199635091 199686578 199686656 364542166 379131029 379131031 399076201 399076203 399076206 399098847 427418110
399076197175804334 181131807 181131845 181131853 189079513 189079633 399076204 399076205

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010