last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 3284800 L'Indrois

Names: name=L'Indrois
References: ref:sandre=K74-0300
OSM: 3284800
Way members: 86

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
235423218235290015 235290016 235424586 235424588
243008978383523441 383523443 383523460 383523462 383523468 383523471 434318642 434318643
243318818243318852 243318855
243318823279680115 279680116 279680117
243318835235419004 235419005

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
219688814219536147 219536158 245726500 246103865 246103866 246103867 522962005 522962008 522962011 522962014 522962017 522962018
226876777235419004 235419005 491882016
235290014235290015 235290016 235424586
235423218235290016 235419001 235424588 238534049 489037777 489037778 489037782 489076096 489076097 489076098 489076099 489076100 489076101 489076102 489861852 489861853 489861854 489861855 489861856 489861857
243008978383523441 383523443 383523460 383523462 383523468 383523471 434318642 434318643
243008979272930624 272930629 272930630 272930631 272930633
243008983250818208 250818215
243008984483199824 483199825 483199826 483199827 483199828 483199829 483199830 483199831 483199832 483199833 483199834 483199835 483199836 483199837 483199838 483199839 483199840 483199841 483703077 483703078 483703079 483703080 483703081 483703082 483703083 483703084 483703085 483703086 483703088 483703089 483703090 483703091 483703092 483703093 483703094 483703095 483703096 483703097 483703098 484097323 484097326 484101481 484101483 484101485 484101486 484101487 484101488 484101490 484101491 484101493 484101494 484101495 484101497 484101499 484101500 484101501 484101503 484101504 484101505 484101506 484101508 484225207
243318823245378075 278521374 278521375 278521377 278521379 278521380 279123337 279680115 279680116 279680117 663906109 663906111
243318826245726496 250818210 250818213 522965216 522965217
243318827256226715 256330309 256330310
243318832245378077 245810557 245810560
250818182250818179 272930625 272930626 272930627 272930628 272930632 436928493 436928496 514338346 514338349 514338353 514338355 514338360 514338363 514338367 514338370 514338380 514338382 514338384 514338387 514338390 514338393 514338395 514338398 514338406 522961976 522961977 522962015 522962016
256226651245810559 252086984 252086985 256226660 256226662 256330311 278521376 278521378 627829462 627829463 627829464 627829465

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010