last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 3509276 Schmidbach

Names: name=Schmidbach
Destination: Bottwar
OSM: 3509276
Way members: 34

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
257075955257075935 257075944 257075945 257075947 257075948 257075950 447067854 495476675 495476676

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
109237119257075935 257075944 257075945 257075947 257075948 257075950 447067854 495476673 495476674 495476676
109237120257075890 257075896 257075897 257075919 257075922 257075923 257075928 327464713
257072190257072122 257072123 257072128 257072130 257072132 257072135 257072166 257072179 257072180
257072191257072127 257072133 257072142 257072149 257072159 257072174
257072221257072160 257072163 257072175 257072177 257072178
257072227257072121 257072124 257072126 257072131 257072134 257072136 257072138 257072140 257072153 257072155 257072157 257072164 257072165 257072167 257072168 257072172 257072173 257072181 395047548 395047549 395047550 395047551 395047552 395047553 395047554 395047555 395047556 506432092
257072232479231591 479231593 479231595
257072233257072182 257072183 257072184 257072185 257072186 257072187 257072188
257075952106090042 466913216
257075955106083881 106083882 257075886 257075891 257075905 257075909 257075913 257075924 257075926 257075930 257075931 257075932 257075936 261405410 261405411 651704567
257075956219326515 219326516 219326517 257075887 257075893 257075894 257075902 257075904 257075908 257075914 257075921 257075929 466910434 466912459 466912460 466912461 466912462 466912463 466912464 466912465 466912466 466912467 466912468 466912469 466912470 466912471 466912472 484169341 484169343 484169344 484169345 484169346
261474262257072129 257072137 257072139 257072144 257072151 257072162 257072169 257072170 257072171 257075895 257075898 257075899 257075901 257075903 257075906 257075907 257075910 257075911 257075912 257075915 257075916 257075917 257075918 257075920 257075927 257075937 257075938 257075939 475247238 475247239 475247240 475247241

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010