last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 3596310 L'Arz

Names: name=L'Arz name:br=An Aer
References: ref:sandre=J88-0300
Wikipedia: (fr:) (wd)
OSM: 3596310
Way members: 39

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
303309219369245415 369245416 369245417
368480409189096506 368480406
368480415189235461 368480407 368480408 368480414
368627275251809354 368627276

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
34111234309707871 309707873 637611033 637611034
34956816612765978 612765985 612765986 612765987 612765988 612765989 612765990 612765991 612766000 612766001 619531297 619531298 619531299 619531300 619924134 619924135 619924136 619924137 619924138 619924139 619924140 619924141 639345570 639345571 639345572 639358955 639358957 639358958 639358959 639358960
188795702188793284 188795688 188947441 188947443 189086135 191313804 191313805 192962934 193023740 549286126 549286127 549286128 549286129 657056697 662746561 662746563
303309219369245415 369245416 369245417
368480409142495554 189096503 189096504 189096505 189096506 189096507 189096508 189096509 189230633 189230635 189230643 189230651 189230654 189230668 189230670 229056697 229056699 229966673 229966678 243896777 243896779 368480406 548916387 548916388 548918034 548918035 548918036 548918037 548918038 548918039 548918040 548918041 548918042 548918043 548918044 548918045 548918046 548918047 548918048 548918049 548918050 548918051 548918055 548918056 548918958 548918959 548918960 548918961 654564467 654564470 655104235 655104237 655337824 655337826
368480412189235444 189235461 189235462 189235463 189254024 189254025 189254027 189254028 189254029 189254030 229066139 229066143 229967391 229967393 368480407 368480408 368480414 548918949 548918951 719297639 719297640
368480413446720603 446720604 548918146 548918147 548918148
368480415189235446 548918948 548918950 548918952 548918953 548918954 548918955 548918956 548918957 655337058 655337060
368480417189256716 189256720 189256722 189256723 189256724 653527604 653527605 653527675 653527676 653527677 653527678 655440569 655440570 655440571 655440572 655440573 655440574 655440575 655440576 655440577 655440578 655440579 655440580 655440581 655440582 655440584 655440585 655440586 655440587 655440588 655440589 655440590 655440591 655440592 655440593 655440594 655440595 655440596
368627271188795700 188795709 188944117 188944130 188944135 188944137 188944296 188944298 188944299 194489039
368627274251809354 303310470 303310471 303310472 303310473 303310474 303310475 303310476 303310477 303310478 368627276
548918331142495567 243896778 243896780
655077645189256719 189256721 189256725 229968062 229968066 409618737 409618738 653474542 653474543 653474663 653474664 655338762 655338763 655338764 655338765 655338893 655338894 655338899 655338900

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010