last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 3670374 Badsey Brook

Names: name=Badsey Brook
Destination: River Arrow
OSM: 3670374
Way members: 9

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
53354169229189545 238874938

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
47200988229189543 229189544
4720099847200995 47200996 53806274 53806275 53842678 55286904 56001902 56001904 56001905 56001907 56001908 56067487 56300490 56300491 56955738 60140125 60150858 60150861 68259256 70452800 70452804 70452806 71211950 71335390 71335397 71335398 71335399 71335400 71565518 71565523 71735606 71735607 75892516 105029640 118200030 130103507 130104304 134816232 134816235 156185223 156185228 186792361 257441382 257441383 263260535 265769860 266152237 266153149 628291539 628291540 633281673 633281681 641230338 641230340 641230341 641230343 641230344 641230345 641334345 641334346 641334900 641334901 653357749 653357752 653357753
5335416947200992 47200993 47200997 50828934 53554409 55896289 56002269 66985203 72088295 72088304 76821100 76821111 97827397 97827411 97828542 97985997 133632869 133632870 133632871 133632872 238874938 633288642 633288644 633288652 633288653
5566105047247705 76669174
13481620957945501 83122650 110430138 653374099 653374100
18967942387267152 87267155 87267160 87267180 88701155 106677168 106677176 130402493 130402503 176787927 189682295 343003891 343003892 523082663 523082665 523082666 629455968
64197974255661052 55661053 97714401

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010