last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 4086334 Rottbach

Names: name=Rottbach
Destination: Weser
OSM: 4086334
Way members: 23

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
154493441154493440 154493445
306248227577065053 577074518 577074519 577074520 577074524 577074525

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
154493446577074522 577074523
306248225576684858 576684859 576684860
306248227557321028 557321029 557321032 557321034 557321036 557321038 557321040 557324088 557324089 557324090 557324091 557324092
306248232556691900 556691902 556691904 556691906 556691908 556691910 556691913 556691915 557606768
306248237306248208 306248209 306248210 306248211 550385236 550385238 550385239 550408146 557260966 557260967 557260968 557260969 557260970 557260971 557260972 557260973 557260974 557260975 557263668 557263669 557263671 557263674 557263676 557263678 557263680 557263681 557263683 557263685 557263688 557263691 557263695 557263696 557263700 557263703 557263706 557263709 557263712 557263715 557263719 557263722 557263725 557263728 557263731 557263734 557578354 557578355 557578357
306248238557680086 557680087
306248239306248258 424526702 424526703 424526704 424526705 424526706 424526707 424526708 424526709 424526710 424526711 577065053 577074518 577074519 577074520 577074524 577074525 689371514 689371515

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010