last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 410545 Große Laber

Names: name=Große Laber
Wikipedia: (de:) (wd)
Destination: Donau
OSM: 410545
Way members: 46

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
2911440029139597 29139626 29139627
3073660530736414 30736601 30736609 30780882 30780883 199152146 244060272 260991961 331884462 331884468
3947340531109377 121272752 123257509 123259493 123259494 536574500 536574501
23604388187719462 88510010 88510011 292204207 292204208 659993975 659993976
25452200428950313 87700780 87700781 87700786 172450785 172450786
331884362266409342 331884464 331884475

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
2911440027253168 27541532 28950237 28950313 29139552 29139597 29139626 29139627 29223349 50922769 50922770 50922773 50922774 216505502 293276436 293276437 293276451 345776170 408436990 408436991 408436992 408436993 408436994
3073660529139585 29139586 29224057 29254102 29254138 29254139 29254140 29254141 29285768 29285769 29332218 30433592 30433594 30433599 30433600 30736414 30736601 199152146 294359764 294359820 536562070 536562082 536562083 536565869 536565870
3947340530736609 30780882 30780883 32537621 117549066 130331481 130331482 175755769 175755770 260991960 267097712 331884459 331884466 369599202 369599203 369599204
20190145398335391 660002012 660002013
23604388141721015 41721410 41721434 41721625 41721666 41721668 41763904 41763909 41763911 41763929 41763935 43373274 43373291 43373299 43373302 43373374 43373376 87680360 87680372 87719441 87719462 87719538 88510010 88510011 98239629 98239630 98239638 98239641 98239643 98239644 98239655 98239658 227776422 227776423 229103040 291467627 291467631 292204207 292204208 323017774 659793278 659793279 659951809 659951810 659965818 659965820 659993975 659993976
25452200487700780 87700781 87700786 172450785 172450786 217485262 509338866 509338867 509338868 509338869 509338870 509338871 509338872 509338873 509338874
29065744343461256 87719420 87719425 138632905 138632907 201173923 201173924 201173925 201173926 201173927 201173928 236043878 236043879 236047660 236047662 290657418 290657421 290657472 290657474 380821742 659784129 659784130 659793288 659793292 659897818 659897819 659951814 659951815
290657460136120780 419026174 419026175 419026176 419026177 419026178 419026179 419026180 419026181 419026182 419026183
290657466739950074 739950075 739950096 739950097 739950098 739950099 739950100 739950101 739950102 739950103 739950104 739950105 739950106 739950107 739950108 739950109 739950110 739950111
29327643828950237 29091548 29104433 29104440 29104441 29110920 29110921 29139585 29139588 29139619 29139621 29139622 29139623 29139624 29139625 29139628 29139630 48800597 48800602
33188436230736609 222978987 244060270 244060271 244060272 244060273 249247712 260991961 266409342 331884462 331884464 331884468 331884471 331884473 331884475

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010