last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 4122949 Saarjõgi

Names: name=Saarjõgi name:ru=Саарйыги
Wikipedia: (et:) (wd)
OSM: 4122949
Way members: 26

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
325905911446573963 446573965

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
308735600308735655 308735661 308735664 308735667 308735668 308735674 308735677 308735680 308735681 308735683 308735686 308735696 308735698 308735705 308735709 308735734 498343222 498343223 498343224 498343225 498343226 498343227 498343228 498343229 498343230 498343231 498343232 498343233 498343234 498343237 498343238 498343239 498343240 498343241 498343242 498343361 498344911 498344912
308735604308735684 308735727 308735730 308735733 498346453 498346454 498346455 498346456 498850836 498850837
308735606308735650 308735651 308735657 308735665 308735670 308735671 308735672 308735679 308735687 308735701 498344177 498344178
308735616308735647 308735653 308735658 308735660 308735673 308735675 308735688 308735690 308735693 308735710 308735712 308735717 308735721 308735723 498851381 498851385 498851575 498851576 498851839 498851840 498852398 498852399 498852400 498852401 498852402 498852403 498852749 498852750 498854365 498854367
308735617308735654 308735663 308735666 308735669 308735676 308735678 308735685 308735716 308735726
308735619308735656 308735689 308735731
308735620308735718 308735722
325905911308735659 308735662 308735691 308735694 308735695 308735699 308735702 308735704 308735707 308735708 308735711 308735713 308735714 308735715 308735719 308735720 308735725 308735729 308735732 446566552 446566553 446566554 446566555 446566556 446566557 446566558 446573963 446573965 446573974 446573977 446573979 446573982 446573984 446573987 446573990 446573994 446573996 446629190 446629191 446629192 446629193 446632296 446632298 446632300

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010