last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 4639077 Bytomka

Names: name=Bytomka
Wikipedia: (pl:) (wd)
Destination: Kłodnica
OSM: 4639077
Way members: 52

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
187947321187945492 187954198

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
30213297478608116 478608122
71978594175385758 175385760 175385762 175385763 175385764 175386859 175386860 175386862 175386863 177807372 209680095 209680096 222105728 222112005 242276903 242276906 620425582
76999912169364148 199562972 241494798 241494799 241494800 241494801 241498576 241498577 381004550 381004551 577257985 577257986 577257987 751052120
187941091169112303 169112305 169112312 187945496 187945499 187945501 204410745 204410746 204410747 204410748 204412332 241518935 241518936 241518937
187947315187951913 187951914 187951916 187951917 187951918 188771301 188771302 390597310 685424906 685424907 685424908 705470812 705470813 705470814 705470815
187947321187945492 187945932 187954196 187954197 381174235 381174236 685430869 689336555 689336556 689336557 689336558 689336561 689337470 690127129 690127132 690127135 690127139 690166945 690166947 690166949 705470811
187956645187956640 187956644 187956646 187956653 488838140 488838143 488838144
203481206163924091 163924094 478608106

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010