last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 4765052 Rochowicka Woda

Names: name=Rochowicka Woda name:de=Röhrsdorfer Wasser name:pl=Rochowicka Woda
References: ref:prng=115700 ref:mphp=13842
Destination: Nysa Szalona
OSM: 4765052
Way members: 21

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
383617368239929836 239929837 239929838

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
239840494239843762 239843764 239848719 239858470 239905753 239906075 239906975 239906976 239906977 239906978 239906980 239906981 239906982 239906983 239928261 239928580 239929404 239929835 281166194 281166195 281166196 281166197 380527863 380527864 383616381 383616382 383616508 383616509 383616510 383616511 383617125 383617126 383617146 383617147 383617160 383617162
380527347239932600 281166181 380527301 380527302
380527448239932590 239932594
380527490239930063 239932536 239932545 239932554 239932557 239932565 239932568 239932571 239932573 239932580 380527487
383616861281166198 281166199 383616803 383616804
383616862239929835 281166185
383617096239930062 281166200 383617048 383617049
383617368239929836 239929837 239929838 239932627 239933374 239933375 273860808 281166190 281166191 281166192 281166193 281166202 281166204 281166205 335328294 335328299 383616288 383616290 525951628 525951629 525952807 525952808 528689609 528698581

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010