last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 4785002 Prusicki Potok

Names: name=Prusicki Potok name:de=Prausnitz Bach name:pl=Prusicki Potok
References: ref:prng=110362 ref:mphp=13838
Destination: Kaczawa
OSM: 4785002
Way members: 32

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
243184260374683412 374683452 374683457
359840870374683399 374683413 374683428 374683446
359840872408626526 408626529 408626543
374683433380090023 380095554
374683456380094903 380094904 380094905

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
243184260374683405 374683453 374683465
358538597280989290 280989294 358538654 358538656 358538751 380940656 380940657 380940658 380940659 380940660 380940661 380940662 514091421 514091425
358556319280989282 280989283 280989284 358556321 358556323 358556325 358556326 358556327 358556328 373630304 373630307 380931678 380980483 380980484 380980485 380980486 380980487
359840830380090016 380090019 380090026 513952268 513952269
359840849374683399 374683407 374683413 374683428 374683429 374683440 374683446 374683464 375925255 375925257 375925258 375925273
374683433380090008 380090014 380090020 380090022 380090025 380095547 380095549
380090013374683443 380090009 380090010 380090011 380090017 380090018 380090021 380090027 380090030

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010