last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 4791343 Nysa Mała

Names: name=Nysa Mała name:de=Kleine Neiße name:pl=Nysa Mała
References: ref:prng=90573 ref:mphp=13846
Destination: Nysa Szalona
OSM: 4791343
Way members: 38

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
399080059399080048 399080051 399080058

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
374328333240317737 375111126 620169819
374407580242788669 275536922 275536925 275536932 275536971 275536983 275536994 275537003 275550313 275550314 275559642 275559658 275559663 275559666 275559669 275559672 275559741 275559761 275559777 275559788 275559794 275559802 275559809 275559814 275559821 275559829 275559860 275559895 275559907 374294772 374294782 374295355 374295357 374302906 374302907 374331363 374331364 374331404 374331405 374655486 374655493 374655643 374655645 374683408 374683424 374825508 374825509 374825590 374825591 374825743 374825746 374825857 374825858 374828162 374828163 374828213 374828214 378410068 378410069 378410250 378410251 378410286 378410287 378410288 378410289 378410447 378410448 378410466 378410467 378410857 378410858 378410859 378410860 378410950 378410951 378411142 378411143 380179575 380179577 399080048 399080051 399080054 399080058 399080060 399080061 399094808 399094812 399094814 399094815 514123886 524099235 524099237 524099238
376996375242687806 374825987 374825988
376996704240805454 374825919 374825922 374825935 374825936 374826083 374826084 376996690 376996691
378412917275513451 275525644 275525645 275525649 275525651 378412600 378412603 378412606 378412798 378412799 378412800 378412870 378412871 378412900 378412901 378412914 378412915 383622279 383622280
378413301240436312 275525658 275525659 275525675 275525681 275525686 275525687 275525688 275525689 275525690 275525691 275525693 275525696 275525698 275525699 275525700 275525701 275525703 275527769 275527779 275527787 275537080 378413455 378413456 378413679 378413680 378418114 378418115 378418227 378418228 378418247 378418248 378418249 378418250 378418683 378418684 378418717 378418718 378418779 378418780 378418905 378418906 380602138 380602140 383616167 383616168 514118092 514118093 524363427 524366863 524366864 524366866 525948350 525948353 525948361 525948363 525948366 525948367 525948369 525948370 525948373 525948375 528689252
383728914240417314 275513447 275513448 275513449 275513450 368014906 368014907 383621372 383621373 383621781 383621782 383622281 383622282 383728647 383728648 383728651 383728652 383728874 383728875 399090669 399090694 399090695 399090696 722466364 722466365 722466368 722466369 722466370
399080059275537045 275537080 275544639 275544641 275544654 378418179 378418180 378418181 378418182 525948372 529144807

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010