last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 5142014 La Boivre

Names: name=La Boivre
References: ref:sandre=L2404000
Wikipedia: (fr:) (wd)
Destination: le Clain
OSM: 5142014
Way members: 50

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
3893717142299334 42299335 42299337 42299338 64493723 64493747 64493752 64493754 64493769 64493774 64493780 64493795 64537079 64537085 64537091 64537100 64537109 88792207 88792213
5169518951695193 51695236
6932520164537083 64537086 64537087 64537093 64537111 64537122 65047249 65047250 65047256 65047263 65047264
344997748114010006 114010007 114010011 114010012 344997745 344997746 344997747
345002014345002015 345002016 345005849 656817594 656817595

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
3893717142299338 64493723 64493752 64493769 64493795 64537079 64537085 64537091 64537093 64537100 64537109 64537122
5169523751695236 51695244
5344139253441383 53441386 93760499
6504726769325209 345005849
6932520164537081 64537083 64537086 64537087 64537093 64537111 64537115 65047249 65047250 65047263 65047264
344997748114010006 114010007 114010011 114010012 344997745 344997746 344997747 345020060
345002014345002015 345002016 345002017 656817594 656817595
684097117369139113 369139114 369139116 369139118 369139120 369139122 369139125 369139128 369139131 369139132 369139134 369139135 369140467 369140470

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010