last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 5213209 Ems

Names: name=Ems
Wikipedia: (de:) (wd)
OSM: 5213209
Way members: 32

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
14322350168567808 145301862 145301863 145301864 145301865 145301866 145301867 145301868 145301869 145301870 145301871 145301872 145301873 145301874 145301875 145301876 145301877 145301878 145301879 145301880 145301883 145301884 145301885 145301886 145301887 145301888 145301889 145301890 145301891 145301892 145301893 145309093 145309117 145309121 215842988 215842989 219112912 219112913 219112914 219112915 219112916 219112917 219112918 220942966 220942967 220942968 220942969 220942970 220942971 220942972 220942973 220951298 220951299 220951300 220951301 220951302 220951303 369964664 369964665 371496014 371496016 371496017 381436608 384985428 384985429 434940876 455546282 455546283 455546284 455546297 455546298 455546300 455546301
145309067145309120 145313573 145313575 145313578 145313579 145313584 145313585 145313587 145313588 145313590 145313592 145313593 145313596 145313598 145313599 145313600 240622941 240622942 240846996 240846997 240846998 240846999 240847000 240847001
145309075118020523 145313589 145313591 145313594 145313595 145313597 242816861 242816862 242816865 242816866
145309081145309534 145309535 145309536 145309537 145309538 236765247 236765250 238985984 238985985
167586899167585376 167589637 206451747 297796402 380873065 380873066 380873067
200294063183434102 183434110 200294046 200294048 200294049 200294052 200294056 200294059 200294062 200503234 314108801 314108802
200430518262535261 262535262 262535264 262535265 262535266 262535270 262535271 262535273 262535274 262535275 262535277 262535278 262535280
245687039194246403 219725689 245687034 245687036 245687040 246184981 471101939 471101940 471101941 471101942 471101943 471101944 471101945 471101946 471101947 471101948
268645231183434108 410551010 410551014 410551015 410551017 410551018

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010