last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 5707373 Czerna Wielka

Names: name=Czerna Wielka name:de=Große Tschirne name:pl=Czerna Wielka
Wikipedia: (pl:) (wd)
Destination: Bóbr
OSM: 5707373
Way members: 18

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
383495737488999100 488999101 488999102 488999105 488999108 488999109 488999110
383495738487375651 487375653 487375655 487473853 488524866 488524884 488524885 488524886 488524887 488745431
383502913487375662 487383395 488524848

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
51688422175641198 376784155 376784402 377116388 377116390 380267169 392147095 392175391 392175392 442971827 442971828 545580055 545580056 545584444 545584445 688235034
51688423418345679 418345680 418345683 418345684 418345685 735441400 735441401 735441402 735441403 735441404 735441405
218661207218661287 238620063 238620064
382870424382870422 382870423
383495737382879374 382879375 488999111 488999112
383495738487375649 487375657 488536473 488536474 488627129 488630500 488636506 488636516 488636518 526071993 526071995 526071997 526072004 526072006 526075494 526075496 526075500 526075501
383502913487375662 487383396 487465304 487473835 487473838 487473946 489011821
403030213382871452 382872716 403030787 403030788
405301159305951722 385888370 385888371 385888404 385888406 385888497 385888498 385888561 385888562 385888591 385888592 385888614 385888615 385888636 385888638 385888751 385888752 385888753 385888764 385888765 385888774 385888775 385889012 385889013 403040725 403040726 450215661 450215662 450215663 450215664 450215665 450215666 450215667 450215668 450215669 450215670 450215671 450215672 450215673 450215674 450215675 450258512 450258513 450258514 450258515 450258516 450258518 450258520 450258521 450258522 450258523 450258524 450258525 450258526 450258527 450258528 450310571 450310572 450310573 450310574 450310575 450310576 450310577 450310578 450310579 450310580 450310581 450310582 450310583 450310585 450310586 450310588 450310591 450310592 450310594 450310596 450310598 450310600 450310602

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010