last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 5750209 Torrente Liro - Fiume Liro

Names: name=Torrente Liro - Fiume Liro
Wikipedia: (it:) (wd)
Destination: Lago di Como
OSM: 5750209
Way members: 6

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
5705898057059373 57059788 57059833 57060284 57062059 57062068 57062523 57064094 57064163 386421374 386421375 386421376 386421377 386421378 386421379 386421380 386670642
5706089257058751 57058773 57058972 57059152 57059223 57059366 57059387 57059460 57059496 57059528 57059673 57059695 57059743 57059989 57060058 57060190 57060235 57060330 57060342 57060345 57060401 57060452 57060533 57060640 57060763 57060855 57060880 57060913 57061142 57061145 57061201 57061331 57061333 57061337 57061389 57061409 57061515 57061524 57061539 57061694 57061837 57061914 57062022 57062092 57062205 57062472 57062479 57062503 57062617 57062684 57062749 57063002 57063009 57063056 57063167 57063308 57063373 57063458 57063587 57063609 57063617 57063705 57063779 57063839 57063985 57064031 57064136 57064165 57064288 57074767 57074872 57075006 57075041 57075100 57075123 57075253 57075301 57075365 57075440 57075483 57075590 57075664 171936099 171936101 171936102 171936103 207015375 231862735 304298057 304298058 308680088 308680089 308680090 308680091 416868657
23186273457058781 57059193 57059198 57059334 57059339 57059341 57059357 57059456 57059467 57059564 57059576 57059748 57059792 57059872 57059889 57059899 57060125 57060239 57060293 57060296 57060301 57060455 57060549 57060595 57060643 57060814 57060919 57061070 57061286 57061290 57061329 57061335 57061482 57061492 57061501 57061570 57061614 57061790 57061795 57061880 57061888 57062015 57062028 57062114 57062178 57062228 57062268 57062271 57062282 57062318 57062477 57062533 57062597 57062615 57062799 57062907 57062954 57062961 57062986 57063016 57063037 57063144 57063207 57063210 57063222 57063527 57063537 57063604 57063626 57063860 57064017 57064099 57064103 57064174 57074608 57074629 57074653 57074677 57074711 57074772 57074931 57075085 57075089 57075283 57075338 57075398 57075531 57075586 57075609 57075833
38642135957058969 57059085 57059090 57059135 57059164 57059214 57059307 57059356 57059465 57059615 57059630 57059710 57059723 57059991 57060030 57060033 57060100 57060154 57060216 57060218 57060276 57060321 57060376 57060423 57060472 57060498 57060720 57060744 57060759 57060985 57061041 57061087 57061095 57061311 57061401 57061692 57061775 57061961 57061972 57062048 57062099 57062173 57062191 57062253 57062354 57062434 57062441 57062640 57062726 57062731 57062775 57062887 57062888 57062915 57063114 57063194 57063322 57063376 57063390 57063397 57063420 57063434 57063723 57063750 57063757 57063826 57063836 57063928 57064002 57064029 57064066 57064131 57064250 57074703 57074870 57074874 57074905 57074944 57074968 57075019 57075198 57075227 57075310 57075315 57075564 57075678 57075769 57075824 303221316 303221318 303221652 303221653 303221654 303221655 303997143 303997148 304169751 304169752 304169753 304169754 306070176 306070177 306850347 306850348 308159174 308159175 312999482 312999483 313002562 313002565 314472576 314472577 314773326 314773327 314773328 314773329 314773330 314773331 315204919 315204920 316110867 316110868 691259201

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010