last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 6027256 L'Oudon

Names: name=L'Oudon
References: ref:sandre=M3--0180
Destination: La Mayenne
OSM: 6027256
Way members: 34

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
83863374203397118 203397119 203397120 203397127 548014123 548014124 548014125 548014139 548014140 548014141 548014142 548014143 548014144 573144427 573154487 573154488 573154489 573154494
83863376155164099 440155089 440155090 536604361 614446735 614446736 675654746 675654747 675671889 675671890 675864397 675864398 675864399 675864406 675864408 677485551 677486483 677486484 677486485 677601018 677601023 726935863 726935864 732160062 732160063
207871783209085755 230037367 230037368 290522455 290522456 290832553 290832558 370338035 370338036 380728743 380728744 424342431 424342434 453003873
207871786209085756 209085757 209085758 209085759 209085760 209085761 370338037 370338038 370338039 370338040 370338041 370338042 378013388 378013391 378013394 378013396
207871788290832557 290832559 380728745 380728746
379531144387491813 387494956 488945644 489021219 489021220
401791888410332755 414856311 414856312 414857657 414857658 415142979 415142980 421165893 421165896 421165899 421165901 518993785

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010