last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 6124896 Sokołda

Names: name=Sokołda
OSM: 6124896
Way members: 9

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
41552026199497534 243288804 243293340 243293341 243293343 243293345 243293346 243293350 243411818 243411820 243411825 243411826 243411830 422823621

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
41530597539914044 539914045 539914046 539914047 539914048 539914049 539914050 539914068 539914069 539914072
41552026201386251 232148933 232148934 239915479 243288789 243288791 243288793 243288796 243288797 243288799 243288800 243288802 243288804 243288806 243288807 243288809 243291741 243291742 243291743 243291744 243291745 243292545 243292547 243292548 243293340 243293341 243293342 243293343 243293344 243293345 243293346 243293349 243293350 243294014 243294015 243294016 243294017 243295914 243295915 243295918 243295919 243411818 243411820 243411825 243411826 243411830 374852789 417955017 417955018 421666678 422823585 422823586 422823587 422823588 422823589 422823590 422823621 539915569 539915570 539915571 539915572 744094108 744094109 744094110 744094111 744094112 744094113 744094114 744094115 744097629 744097630 744097631 744097632 744097633 744097634 744097635 744097636 744097637 744106450 744106451 744106459 744106460 744106461 744106462 744106463 744106464 744106465 744106466 744106467 744106468 744106469 744106470 744106471 744106472 744106473 744106474 744106475 744106476 744106477 744106479 744106480 744106481 744106483
19902735827339560 28373000 28583527 28584130 33083845 33085110 34999696 39224095 228887458 228887459 228887460 228887461 229586201 229586202 229586203 229586204 229586205 229586206 318886244 318886245 362567544 624254179 624254180 624254193 624254195 624254196 624254197 624254198 624254199 624254200 624254201 624254202 624254203 736902338 736902339
368512542318886243 368512544 368512545 368512546 368512548 368512549 368512550 368512552 368512553

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010