last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 6275128 Târnava Mare

Names: name=Târnava Mare name:cs=Velká Trnava name:de=Große Kokel name:hu=Nagy-Küküllő
Wikipedia: (ro:) (wd)
OSM: 6275128
Way members: 25

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
22662081449469063 450145635 450145636 450145637 450145638 450145639 450145640 450145641 450145642 450145643 450145644 450145646 450145647 450145648 450145649 478014980 507682274 507682275 507682276 507682277 507682278 507684442 507803462 507803465 507803487 507803506 507807677 508008314 508008315 509538335 509538336 509538337 509538339 509538340 509538341 509538342 509538343 509538344 509538347 509538362 509538363 509739071 509739075 509739076 509739077 509739078 509739079 509739083 509739084 509739085 510044878 510044879 510044880 510044881 510044882 510666627 511307354 511307355 530299447 530299448 530299449 530299450 530394597 530394601 530394602 530394604 530394606 530394607 530394611 530394613 530394616 530394619 530394622 530394624 530394627 530394630 530394631 530394632 530394633 530394634 530394636 530394639 530394640 583948778 583948780 584037737 584037741 584037742 584037743 584037744 584044818 584061838 584061839 584159765 584159768 584159769 584159770 584159771 584181516 584181517 584181518 585260686
2266209031537282 85252575 332480643 332480644 358431117 358431118 358431119 358431121 358431122 358431123 449297640 449759544 449759547 449772559 449772560 450034763 450034765 450034766 450034792 450136457 450136458 450535156 450942811 451892200 451892201 451892202 451892203 451892204 455558932 455558933 455558934 455558935 455558936 459514055 459514060 459514061 464461094 464461141 464461142 464461143 464461144 464461145 464461146 469660076 470544174 470769302 470769305 470769306 470769307 474082344 474082345 474082349 474082350 474082351 474082352 474230304 474230305 474230306 474230307 474230308 474230309 474230310 474230311 474230312 474230313 474230314 474230315 474234791 474234793 474234794 474234796 474234803 474234806 474234807 477473887 477473899 477473918 477473919 477473920 477473926 477473928 477473929 477473931 477473933 477620002 477620005 477620008 477628435 477628436 477654491 477654494 477654495 477654496 477808900 477808901 477808902 477808903 477808904 477808905 477808906 478320094 478320096 510594370 510594375 550373228 550373230 584204247 724499881 724499882
210033142605739280 606153197 606153216
210033144370887231 370887232 370887233 370887234 370887235 371430374 371430375 371430376 371430379 371430380 371430381 371430382 692812044 692812045 692812046 692812047
210033162605739280 606153208 606153209 606153213
507026757305256333 305256334 305256339 305256340 305294869 305294870 537159822 540068697 540068698 540068699 701696365 708357881 708357882 708357883 708357884
51901420720645692 200659549 205186119 205186123 205188178 222071158 279980179 292484108 292484109 292484110 292484111 342712818

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010