last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 6612448 Río Rupumeica

Names: name=Río Rupumeica
Destination: Río Hueinahue
OSM: 6612448
Way members: 15

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
444372981444488549 444488550 444488552 444488553 444488555
444488529444488556 444490506 444490756 444490760 444490761
444488531444486931 444488548 444488551 444488554 444490024 444490025 444490026 444490032 444490034 444490042 444490507 444490508 444490509 444490510 444490511 444490512 444490513 444490514 444490515 444490516 444490517 444490518 444490519 444490522 444490523 444490524 444490525 444490526 444490527 444490529 444490530 444490754 444490757 444492202 444492206 444492208 445258885 445258886 445259107
444488534444488526 444488527 444490022 444490023 444490027 444490037 444490039 444490046 444490048 444490050 444490054 444490055 444490202 444490203 444490204 444490205 444490206 444490207 444490208 444490209 444490759 444492201 445258555 445258556 445265527 445265528
444490904444491543 444491544
444490905444491538 444491545 444492203 444492204 444492205 444492207 444492209 444492210 444492211

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010