last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 6816136 Селецкая

Names: name=Селецкая name:de=Gawaite name:hy=Սելեցկայա name:ru=Селецкая
Wikipedia: (ru:) (wd)
OSM: 6816136
Way members: 3

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
27511430222951583 678841028 678841029 678841030 678841031 678841032 678841033 678841034 678841035 678841036 678841037 678841038 678841039 678841040 678841104 678841105 678841117 678841118 679002352 679002353 679002354 679002356 679002358 679002359 679002368 679002369 679002370 679002371 679002372 679002373 679002377 679002380 679002381 679002382 679002383 679002384 679002385 679002386 679002387 679002388 679208519 679208523 685654974 685654975 685655056 685655059 685655064 685655066 685655070 686670419 686670422 686670427 686670429 686670446 686670454 686670455 686670457 686670467 686670468 686670471 686670483 686670484 686670485 686670486 686670504 686670506 686670514 686670515 686670516 686670517 686670518 686670519 686670524 686670525 686670526 686670530 686670531 686670532 686670533 686670534 686670536 686670537 686670540 686670541 686670548 686670549 686670551 686670552 686670553 686670555 686670556 686670559 686670560 686670561 686670562 686670563 686670564 686670565 686670567 686670569 686670571 686670579 686670581 686670586 686670588 686670594 686670597 686670599
77749154676636632 677789273 677789274

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010