last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 6837312 Mark / Marcq

Names: name=Mark / Marcq
References: ref:oostvlaanderen=05215
OSM: 6837312
Way members: 31

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
974169308584838 398262628 398262629 398262635 499123258 608660513 608660516
117086614246583668 369996981 369996994 398406725 415875989 658123456 658123457
398262621398262626 398262627 398262630 398262631 398262632 398262633 398262634

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
97416930398262628 398262629 398262635 499129743 499366287 499366288 643155271 643155273 645721240
117086614185139106 185139108 185197633 185197634 185197635 254700032 301677408 301677409 301677410 360305746 360305749 398406718 398406719 398406720 398406721 398406723 398406731 398406732 398406734 398413341 398413342 398413343 398413344 415850468 415850470 415868020 415875989 420625158 420625160 549157637 549157638 549157639 697580321 697580322
398262621398262625 398262626 398262627 398262630 398262631 398262632 398262633 398262634 484400441 484400442
398262624398262622 398262623
45920780140746870 309054476 458916862 458916863
462979995364157135 462969565 462969566 462969567 462969568 462969569

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010