last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 7204138 Barranco el Charcón

Names: name=Barranco el Charcón
OSM: 7204138
Way members: 26

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
152625942185743610 185743634 185743636 185743637 185743638 185743639 185743640 185743641 185743645 185743648 185743650 185743652 185743654 185743657 185743660 185743661 185743662 185743663 185743664 185743670 185743672 185743678 185743691 185743699 185743700 185743701 185743705 185743706 185743708 185743709 185743710 191629029 191629031 483728994 483747993 483747995
185652298489865064 489865065 489865067 489865068 489865069 489865070 489865071
185652303489865085 489865092 489865094 489865098 489865099 489865105 490314022 490314025 490314059 490314076 490314093 490314113
185652326185743630 185743646 185743679 185743682 185743702
185743644185743629 191629114 191629115 191629117 191629118 191629122 483670103
185743674191629113 483670099
185743686185743665 490386288 490386303 490386305 490386306 490386324 490386332
200274369185743671 490386261
223561600490386283 490386284 490386292 490386293 490386300 490386309 490386310 490386314 490386318 490386320 490386321 490386327
223561602490389068 490421992 490421998 490422006 490422010 490422013 490422015 490422018 490422022 490422026 490422027 492520442
490386270490314043 490314044 490314046 490314053 490314096 490314111 490314117 490314119 490386279 490386281 490386285 490386307

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010