last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 7576985 Długa

Names: name=Długa
Wikipedia: (pl:) (wd)
Destination: Kanał Żerański
OSM: 7576985
Way members: 15

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
225399487550675071 550675072 550675073 550675074 550675075 550675076 550675077 550675078 550675079 550675080 550675081 550675085 550675090 550675092 550675094 550675096 550683999 550684000 550684010 550684013 550684022 550684026 550684027

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
3133178931333263 31333381 31333675 181604096 181604098 181604099 181604100 181604101 181604102 181604103 181604104 181604105 181604107 181604108 394282852 394282853 394292508 394292509 394292510 394292511 394292512 394292513 394292514 394292515 394292516 394292517 394292518 394292519 394292520 394292521 394292522 394292524 394292525 394292526 394292527 394292528 394292529 394369600 394602194 394602195 394613406 394613407 394613408 394613409 394613410 394613411 394613412 394613413 394613414 394613415 428555389 428555391 435093122 435093123 437455154 437455155 437455156 437455157 437455158 437455159 437455161 547141001 547141002 547141003 547465014
3133369031331730 522264264 522264265 522264266 522264267 522264268
225399487550683998 550684002 550684003 550684005 550684006 550684008 550684009 550684019 550684020 550684023 550684028 550684030 551066575 551066577
24022717825226683 224751222 224751223 224751224 224751225 224751226 224751227 224751228 224751229 224752505 224752506 354663357 354663358 354663361 354664323 354664330 453600249 453600250 545500491 545500492 547462670 547462671
299923176426477039 550675071 550675072 550675073 550675074 550675075 550675076 550675077 550675078 550675079 550675080 550675081 550675082 550675083 550675085 550675087 550675090 550675092 550675094 550675096 550683996 550683997 550684017

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010