last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 7577665 Stobnica

Names: name=Stobnica
Wikipedia: (pl:) (wd)
Destination: Wisłok
OSM: 7577665
Way members: 20

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
44306257205821899 214180337 214180341 216264563

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
4430549844306121 44306270 44306282 214180331 214180334 214180339 214764834 214764835 214764836 214765529 214765530 216264564 331787129 331787130 331787131 331787133 331787134 331787135 331787137 331790264 331790266 331790267 331953844 331953859 331953860 331953861 331953862 331953863 331953864 331953865 331953866 331953867 331953868 331953869 331953870 331953871 346359416 346359417 346359418 346359420 346359421 346359423 346359424 346361238 346361239 346361240 346361241 346361242 346361243 346361244 405885492 406505279 406505280 406505281 406505282 406505283 406505284 406505285 406505286 406505287 406505288 406505289 406505290 406505291 406505292 406505293 406505294 406505295 406505296 406505297 406505298 406505299 406505300 406505301 406505302 406505303 406505304 406505305 406505306 406505307 406505308 406505309 406505310 406505311 406505312 406505313 406505314 406505315 406505316 406505317 406505318 406505319 406505320 406505321 406505322 406505323 406505324 406505325 406505327 406505328 406505329 406505330 406505331 406505332 406505333 406505334 406505335 406505336 406505337 406505338 406505339 406505340 406505341 406505342 406505343 406505344 406505345 406505346 406505347 406505348 406505349 406505350 406505351 406505352 406505353 406505354 406505355 406505356 406505357 406505358 406505359 406505360 406505361 406505362 406505363 406505364 406505365 406505366 415538216 415538230 415538246 415538249 415538252 415538255 415538273 415872121 415872127 415872147 415872148 415872156 415872159 415872198 415872206 416096921 416096938 416096950 416096962 416096981 545102765 547126981 547386210 559865766 683237827 698557889 702243056 738113550 745826203 745828800 746149536
4430591544305560 44305930 44305996 44306097 222583466 232408491 264000143 264001581 321834561 321835503 331897485 331897486 331897487 331897488 333908879 333908880 333908947 333908948 333908949 333908950 333908951 333908952 333908953 333908954 333908955 333908956 333908957 333908958 333908959 333908960 495725017 495727032 495727033 542616933 564660431 605607301 605607306 662566381 678008865 678008866 701693431 701693872 713795318 713795319 713795320 713795321 713795322 713795323 713795327 713795328 713797574 713797575 713797576 713797577 713797578 713797579 727113361 729457380 729457381 742691470
44306257205821897 205821898 205821899 205821900 213917967 213917968 213917969 213917970 213917971 213917972 214156079 214180333 214180336 214180337 214180340 214180341 214698079 214767129 214767130 214767131 216264565 216264567 216264568 216264570 216264572 254020365 382211633
333908883659281514 659281516
333908893401179078 401179079 462380804 462380805 462383607 513370431 513370432 513378739 545897832 598589532 598589533 598589538 598589539 598589543 598589544 598589545 598589546 598589547 598589548 598589551 598589552 658099065 658099075 658111468 658111470 658111487 658111489

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010