last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 7578946 Żabnica

Names: name=Żabnica
Wikipedia: (pl:) (wd)
Destination: Breń
OSM: 7578946
Way members: 10

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
4541317345413172 45413174 45413176 45413177 45413178 45413181 45413182 45413183 45413406 45413532 45413542 45413788 45413866 364033693 364033694 364040054 364040055 364040056 364040057 364040058 364040061 364437628 364437629 364640753 364640754 364641979 364641983 425645892 425645893 444127545 444127546 444127547 444127548 444127549 444127550 444197196 444197197 712692686 712692687 712692688 712692689 712692690 712692691 712692692 712692693 712692713 712692714
23185304345413091 45413111 509339312 509339313 509339314 509339315 509339316 509339317 509339318 509339319 509339320 509339329 509339330 509339331 509340399 710697437 710697438 710697439 710697440 710697443 710697444 710697445 710697446 710697447 710697448 710697449 710699238 710699239 711871197 711871198 711871199 711871200 711871415 711871416 711871422 711871423 711871482 711871483 712390149 712390150 712390151 712390152 712390153 712390154 712390155 712390156 712390157 712390206 712390208 712390209 712390211 712390212 712390215 712390216 712390217 712390218 712390219 741315647 741315648 741315770 741315771 741315782 741315783 741315784 741315785 741315786 741315787 741315788 741315789 741315790 741315791 741315792 741315793 741315794 741315795 741315796 741315797 741315798 741316003 741316004
357375552222766148 222766149 222766150 222766151 222766152 222766153
44853819645413168 45413169 45413170 45413364 45413492 45413499 448538194 712692476 712692477
71214019845413087 712140200 712140201

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010