last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 7585784 Egola

Names: name=Egola
Wikipedia: (it:)
Destination: Arno
OSM: 7585784
Way members: 2

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
137987828108132931 137987841 161226804 161909695 161909696 161909697 161909698 161909699 162177369 162177370 162177371 162179413 162179414 162211383 162211384 162211385 162211386 162211387 162211388 162211389 162211390 162211391 162211392 162211393 162211395 162211396 162211397 162211398 162211399 162211400 162211401 162211402 162211403 162211404 162368983 162368987 162369008 162369037 162369094 162369103 162369106 162369107 162369114 162369132 162369150 162377287 162377289 162377291 162377292 162377300 162377304 162377305 162377307 162377308 178003246 188071627 188071628 188071629 188071630 188071631 188071632 188074700 188074701 188074702 188074703 188074704 188074705 188076032 188076033 191189526 191189527 191189528 191189529 191189530 191189532 191356829 191356832 191356837 191356838 191356840 191356842 191356843 191356845 191358696 191358697 191358698 191358699 191358702 191362596 302971923 302971924 306333647 306333648 309649533 309649534 309669651 309669652 310850453 310850454 312950018 312950019 319185527 319185528 685280916 685280918
161226806162368981 162368995 162369005 162369023 162369117 162369133 162369156 162369157

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010