last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 8134726 Raudsepa oja

Names: name=Raudsepa oja
References: ref=VEE1157100
Wikipedia: (wd)
OSM: 8134726
Way members: 29

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
165335481165334854 165335091
208140718208140719 208140720 208141207 208141208 208141209 368450734 368450735 368450786 368450787 607963295 607963296 607964553 648173443 648177325 648177327 648177329 699695665
238741266267105115 697312457
425626982165309991 339175206 339175207 339175208
425626987163857261 163857357 601043958 604006055 685696778 685696779
425626992165067556 165184158 165184159 165184164 165309991 165310644 165334790 165334809 165334811 197066043 260631355 260637677 260947146 260947460 262898539 263958605 263962997 263962998 263962999 327474972 327474973 327474975 327474976 327475558 327475559 327475857 327475858 327475859 353785319 353795951 425626998 425627001 425627005 425627008 425628719 425628721 425628722 425628726 425628727 425629002 425629004 425629005 425629006 425629007 604000179 604000180 604003674 604003675 604004704 604004706 604006554 604006555 604006556 606063832 606063833 606063923 606063924 608114996 608114997 609760178 614799977 614799980 624246192 644395790 646003336 679319634
425626996164225119 262408743 601044616
427648865260644267 260644269
427648866165334969 260644271 604002204 604002206
571821301267100637 267100734 267100735

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010