last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 8153452 Imsi oja

Names: name=Imsi oja
References: ref=VEE1130900
Wikipedia: (wd)
OSM: 8153452
Way members: 29

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
314374689314374687 314374690 314374692 498218121 573701395
340331545462872100 462872102 462872118 462872121 462872123 462872125 462872126 462872128 462872132 462872134 462872141 462872148 462872150 462872152 462872153 462872155 462872157 462872159 462872161
340331547462884802 462934375 462934376 462934377 462934378 462934383 462934384 462934386 462934387 462934388 462934391 462934393 462934425 462934426 463093557 463125542
340331549462884804 462884805 462884806 462884807 462884808 462890146 462890147 462890150 462890151 462890152 462890153 462890154 462890155 462891598 462891599 462891600 462891601 462891602 462891603 462892222 462934414 462934415 462934417 462934418 462934428 463093521 463093522 463093523 463093524 463093525 463093526 463093527 463093528 463093530 463093531 463093532 463093533 463093534 463093535 463093536 463093537 463093538 463093539 463093540 463093541 463093542 463093543 463093544 463093545 463093546 463093548 463093549 463093552 463093553 463093554 463093555 463093556 463093558 463093559 463093560 463093561 463093562 463093563 463093564 463093565 463093566 463093567 463093568 463093570 463093572 463102084 463102085 463102086 463102087 463102088 463102089 463102090 463102091 463102092 463102093 463102094 463102095 463102096 463102097 463102099 463102101 463102102 463102103 463102104 463102105 463102109 463102110 463102111 463102112 463102113 463102114 463102115 463107708 463107709 463107710 463107711 463107712 463107714 463107715 463107716 463107717 463107718 463107719 463107720 463107721 463107727 463107728 463107729 463107736 463107737 463107738 463107739 463107740 463115392 463115393 463115394 463115395 463115396 463115397 463115398 463115399 463115401 463115402 463115407 463115408 463115409 463115410 463115411 463118097 463118098 463118099 463118100 463125533 463125535 463138427 463138428 463138429

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010