last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 8368685 Струна

Names: name=Струна name:lt=Strūna name:ru=Струна name:be=Струна name:pl=Struna
Wikipedia: (be:) (wd)
OSM: 8368685
Way members: 13

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
114869662545438112 595931873 595931874 595931875 595931876
498115440107975168 114274846 498115441 498115442 498324384 498324385

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
25173271636088426 636088427 636088428 636281968 636281969 636281971 636281973 636281974 636281976 636281977
11486966225172356 107975168 498115441 498115442 498324377 595931873 595931875 595931876
437726342275061005 636088367 636088368 636088369 636088370 636088371 636088372 636088373 636088375 636088377 636088379 636088381 636088384 636088386 636088388 636088390 636088392 636088394 636088397 636088399 636088401 636088403 636088406 636088407 636088410 636088412 636088414 636088416 636357446 636357447
49811544025173267 25173269 25173270 25173279 25173280 25173290 114274852 114274872 498324373 498324374 498324376 498324378 498324380 498324381 498324382 498324386 498324388 498479858 509900580
595927703545437343 545437345 545437346 545437347 545437348 545437507 545437508 545438111 545438112 545438140 545438141 595931874
636357391636088431 636088432 636088433 636088434 636088435 636088436 636088437 636088438 636088439 636088440 636088441 636088442 636088444 636088445 636088446

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010