last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9122654 Mbuluzi River

Names: name=Mbuluzi River
Wikipedia: (wd)
OSM: 9122654
Way members: 18

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
61904460209848083 280459384 280459385 280459386 280459388 635479305 635479306 635479309
77015927418009315 418009316 418009317 418009318 418009319
77015953417320670 417420295 417420296 417420297 417421023 417421024 418408154 418408170 418408188 418408708 418408709 418409246 418883133 418883134 418883135 418883136 418883137 418883138 418883139 418883140 418883653 418883657 700399077 700399078 700400828 700407005 700407006 700412356 700412366 700429471 700429473 700546263 700546264 700546265 704357834 704385947 704391576 704391577 704391578 704391579 704391580 704391581 704391582 704391583 704391584 704397856 704397857
389518664428895463 428895464 428895465 428895466 428895467 428895468
417424599704357831 704357832 704357833 704369779
418009311387274841 387274842 387274843 387274844 387274845 387274846 387275060 410827832 410827833 410830208 410850099 418018445 418018471 418020899 418020900 418020901 418020902 418020903 418021453 418021454 418021455 418028715 418112037 426557615 426557618 438863498 438863499 438863500 438868264 704369333 704369334 704369337 704369338 704369339 704369342 704369343 704369344 704369345 704369346 704369347 704369348 704369349 704369350 704384227 704384228 704384229 704384230 704384231 704384232 704385220 704385221 704385222 704385223
418018315417042390 417106821 417790274 417790275 417790276 417793052 417793064 417796792 417796801 417796823 417796837 417796849 417796861 417796873 417798187 417798190 417798191 417798194 418008975 418008976 418008980 418008981 418008982 418008984 418008986 418008987 418008988 418008989 418008990 418008991 418008992 418210544 418215557 704391567 704391568 704391571
700397724418402374 418402378 418402394 418402413 418404342 418404826 418404827 418404828
702107190418397004 418398888 418398889 418398890 418400439 700380211 700380214 700386516 700393448 704397159 704397160

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010