last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9306295 Canal São Gonçalo

Names: name:en=São Gonçalo Channel name=Canal São Gonçalo
Wikipedia: (pt:) (wd)
Destination: Lagoa dos Patos
OSM: 9306295
Way members: 21

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
251407320669971610 669971611 669971614

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
501088634582687785 582687786
669971612669971610 669971611 669971614
673235817108162708 203503511 203503516 203503520 203503523 203503526 203503534 203504344 203814362 203814365 330078851 330079638 330081865 330168431 330382337 330382908 330382991 330383081 330383477 330383930 330390981 330391464 330393239 330953361 330954901 330956028 334355817 344500770 344782224 365110467 365110531 474401551 474401552 474401553 474401555 474806439 474807618 475071079 475073377 478697942 478697948 478747151 478747153 479023546 479023547 479025311 479025312 479025313 479025603 479026591 479026595 479026596 479026598 479028578 479028579 479028580 479028581 479028582 479028584 479029591 479029592 479029593 479029594 479735108 479737165 479737166 479737167 479737168 479737169 479739482 480199406 480200704 480200706 480228009 480228010 480228011 480229855 480229856 480432039 480521961 480521962 481021273 481021274 481021275 481021276 481021277 481021278 481021279 481021282 481023219 481023220 481023221 481023222 481024609 481024610 481024611 481024612 481024613 481024615 481024616 481024617 481024618 481024619 482331797 482331798 482331799 482331800 482331801 482331802 482331804 482331805 482331806 482331807 482331808 482331809 482331810 482331811 482331812 482333057 483814982 483814984 483815002 484629856 495792426 495792428 495792429 501291715 501291720 514229917 514229918 514229919 514229920 516212390 516212391 516212392 516212393 516451114 516451115 516451116 516452642 516452643 516608830 516608831 516608832 516608833 516664203 516664204 516664205 556720521 565147454 587711809 650718629 674167367

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010