last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9471330 La Longèves

Names: name=La Longèves
References: ref:sandre=N7125400
OSM: 9471330
Way members: 29

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
47061261661515466 661515468 661515470 661515472 661515475 661515477 661680067 661680068 661680069 661680072
661680132661680123 661680124 661680125
661838806478389373 661838700 661838701 661838702 661838704

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
47061261128415408 434357314 434486267 434486281 434524285 434524287 434524290 434524296 434524300 661515400 661515402 661515403 661515404 661515407 661515408 661515409 661515410 661515411 661515412 661515413 661515415 661515421 661515422 661515423 661515424 661515426 661515427 661515428 661515429 661515431 661515433 661515437 661515440 661515443 661515446 661515448 661515451 661515453 661515455 661515464 661515466 661515468 661515470 661515472 661515475 661515477 661515488 661680050 661680054 661680055 661680056 661680057 661680058 661680059 661680060 661680061 661680062 661680063 661680065 661680066 661680067 661680068 661680069 661680072 661680075 661713810
661680112661680094 661680095 661680096 661680097 661680098 661680099 661680102 661680103 661680104
661680118661680086 661680087 661680088 661680089 661680090 661680091 661680092 661680116
661680132661680128 661680129 661680130
661680141661680123 661680124 661680125 661680134 661680135 661680136 661680137 661838863 661838864

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010