last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9529562 Schwemmbach

Names: name=Schwemmbach
Wikipedia: (de:) (wd)
Destination: Mattig
OSM: 9529562
Way members: 29

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
319279829444235498 474645618 474645619 689431653

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
5783986253646219 57394635 71831752 85696632 85696633 85696635 93706282 131496442 425584694 425584695 425584696 425584697 425584698 425584699 425584700 425584701 425584702 425584703 425584704 425584705 425584706 425584707 425584708 425584709 425584710 425584711 425584712 501072368 689313337 689313338 689313340 689313341 689313342 689313343 689313344 689313345 689313346 689313347 689313348 689313349 689313350 689313351 689313352 700025494 700025495 719673445 719673446 720322797
75084037122546716 166735809 166735815 166735819 243441709 243441710 243441711 243441712 712670076 712670077 712670078 712670079 712670080 712670081 712670082 712670083 718479678 718479679 718479686 730890986 730890987 730890990 730890991
82215502319276687 444806724 444806725 444806726 445217174 445217175 445217177 445666568 445666569 445666570 445666571 445666572 445666573 448541101 448541102 448541103 448541104 448541105 448541106 448541107 448621067 448621068 448621069 455383115
166732721166732743 243441691 243441692 243441693 243441694 686611575 686611576 686611577 686611578 686839994 686839995 686839996
166732749166732726 166732730 166739787 242251690 242251691 243441854 243441855 243441856 243441857 243441858 243441859 686610468 686610469 686610470 686610472
31926768545101078 45101079 75066556 75066559 75067434 105171973 105171980 111515664 111515670 111515676 111515678 111515680 160374074 160374075 160374077 243079493 263100178 263100179 263100180 263100181 263100182 263100183 263100184 263100185 263100186 263100187 263100188 263100878 263100879 270538667 270538668 270538669 270538670 319269899 319276682 319276683 319276684 319276685 319276686 319276688 387687347 387687348 387687349 387687350 389252300 389252301 389252302 389252303 389257195 427334397 427334398 435319537 445217176 445217177 448794845 448794846 455754141 455754142 455754143 455754144 471975321 471975322 471975323 471975324 471975325 471975326 499247130 646560326 646560327 720972298
319279829444235498 474645618 474645619 556418801 556418802 556418805

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010