last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9709390 Río Fardes

Names: name=Río Fardes
Wikipedia: (es:) (wd)
Destination: Río Guadiana Menor
OSM: 9709390
Way members: 14

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
4212658042082603 308858958 334455473 334455474 335810524 335810525 407775384 407778366 407778369 408089116 408089117 408090918 408093157 408093162 408093918 408094613 482812702 482812704 582906879 586710481 618791402 675947120 675947121 690889713 690889716 690889756 690889760
66304474497937364 97937387 97939232 97939234 97939240 97940847 97943925 97944613 97944614 97946490 102141339 204475865 235152750 325303193 325303194 325303195 385864004 385864005 385867270 385867272 385867273 556307726 556307728 581388210 581388211 651137237 651137239 660723576 660723577 660723578 660723583 660723584 660723585 660723586 660723587 660723588 660723589 660723590 660723591 660723592 660723593 660723594 660723595 660723596 660723597 660723598 660723599 660723600 660723601 660723602 660723603 660723604 660723605 660723606 660723607 660723608 660723609 660723610 660723611 660723612 663044739 663044740 663044741 663044742 663046405 663046407 663046408 679831098 679831100 679831102 679831105 689178810 695993555 695993556
663044745408097819 408097823 408097828 408097831
664292593618217640 618217643 664292589
664292594664292595 664292596 664292600

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010