last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9811111 Maučiuvis / Maučuve

Names: name:lv=Maučuve name=Maučiuvis / Maučuve name:lt=Maučiuvis
Wikipedia: (lt:)
OSM: 9811111
Way members: 16

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
24382289933128119 149060526 149060540 149060541 149060542 149060558 149060560 149060569 243822897

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
24382289997226273 97226299 97226314 317145309 317145314 317145315 317145327 383039586 383039588 383051017 577801191 577801192
31714531725337913 97226296 97226310 97226331 103272783 202586768 317145307 317145308 317145313 317145320 317145322 317145323 317145331 317145332 456754302 456754303 509205069 509205070 509205071 509205072 509205073 509205074 509205076 509205077 577801201 577801202
31714533797226292 97226297 97226300 97226305 97226325 97226328 381455750 381455751 383039580 383039585 702048636 702048637 702048638 702048639
317145339103272723 148092110 148092119 148092154 254298453 254298454 254298455 254298456 317145311 317145326 383039583 383039590 383051016 383051018
38303957897226294 97226321 103272714 103272730 103272737 103272770 103272780 103272784 317145325 317145336 366283196 366283197 383039584 383039589 577801203 577801204 577801205 577801206 577801208 577801209
383039587148092102 457198034 457198035
459145918103272715 103272739 103272752 103272778 103272789 314120941 314120945 314120946 314120947 317145306 317145310 317145319 317145321 317145324 317145328 317145330 317145333 317145334 317145340

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010