last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9906232 rio bureo

Names: name=rio bureo
Wikipedia: (es:)
OSM: 9906232
Way members: 5

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
5887036983046407 142719449 142719454

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
339858280536242131 536242139 536242140 536242141 536242142 536242143 536242144 536242145 536242146
536191803535835040 536191689 536191690 536191691 536191692 536191693 536191694 536191695 536191696 536191697 536191698 536191699 536191700 536191701 536191702 536191715 536191716 536191717 536191718 536191719 536191720 536191721 536191727 536191728 536191729 536191730 536191731 536191732 536191733 536191734 536191735 536191737 536191740 536191743 536191745 536191748 536191754 536191757 536191759 536191762 536191765 536191769 536191804 536191805 536191806 536191807 536191809
536242149536242128 536242132 536242133 536242134 536242135 536242136 536242137 536242138 536242147 536242148
537297362537297264 537297288 537297289 537297290 537297291 537297292 537297293 537297294 537297295 537297296 537297297 537297298 537297299 537297300 537297301 537297302 537297303 537297304 537297321 537297322 537297353 537297354 537297357 537297358 537297359 537297360 539536915 539536916 539536917 539536924 539536925 539536926 539536927 539536928 539536929 539536930 539536931 539536932 539536933 539536934 539536950 539536951 539536952 539536957 539536958 539536959 539536960 539536961 539536962 539536963 539536964 539536965 539536966 539536976 539536977

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010