last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 9923631 rio trancura

Names: name=rio trancura
Wikipedia: (es:) (wd)
OSM: 9923631
Way members: 2

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
157353729157353728 226066992 226066993 268442683 268442685 268442688 268442691 268442694 558628151 558628152 558628153 558672514 558672515 565079646 565082534

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
142543372105611887 105619800 105619829 105761293 105761312 105762170 171419417 171420215 182559077 231661973 231661985 269564705 269564706 269570523 287077443 287077444 287077709 287078607 287080474 287080485 290938144 574225006 574225008 595260883 599487526 599504817 601471281 601791954 601791955 601791956 667368104 669133504 685943678 685943681 685943688 685943689 685943690 742556455 742556456 742556457 742556458 742556459 742556460 742556461 742556462 742556463 742556464
15735372950834901 157353728 180142886 182559093 226066992 226066993 268442683 268442688 268442691 268442694 286615271 286615272 286615686 287102356 287103049 313692282 334868992 334868997 334869001 334869006 334869017 451953456 547122450 547123683 558628151 558628152 558628153 565077204 565077205 565079646 565082534 609981822 609981823 609981824 609981825 609981826 609981827 609981828 609981829 609981830 609981831 609981832 609981833 609981834 609981835 609981836 609981838 609981839 609990332 612428621 613464005 613468122 668910735 697909505

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010