last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2205685 Billabong Creek

Names: name=Billabong Creek
Wikipedia: (en:) (wd)
Destination: Edward River
OSM: 2205685
Way members: 38

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
200887334451186615 451186616 451186617 451186618 451186619
200893298450884451 450884486 451328087 451328089 451328090 451328091 451328092 451328093 451328094 451328095
340380826429242051 429242126 429242127 429242154 583504656 583506521 583506522 583507658 583507659
340547895207299832 340545601 340545602 450039831
450039613366483295 366483296 450039829

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
200887330450327105 450327108 450327109 450327110 450327127 450878266 450878268 450878270 450878272 450878274 450878295 450878297 450878298 450878299 450884448 450884449 450884450 667211950 667211957 714405951
200887335450884451 450884486 451328089
200893297200893303 389632552 451651478 451651499 584091147 584091148 584094178 584095996 584097341 584097342
200895310389632416 389632417 389632421 389632423 389632552 389634518
207299837206643371 207299832 207299833 207299835 207427725 207523683 207534568 207842273 207844481 211564855 224350230 224350240 340545601 340545602 340549047 392011008 419353798 449846879 449846887 449846898 449846910 449846914 449846918 449846922 449846926 449846930 449846934 449846938 449846943 449846954 449846958 449846962 449846966 449846970 449846974 449846978 449846982 449846988 449846994 449847001 449847205 449847210 449847301 449847312 449847322 449847326 449847330 449847334 449847338 449847343 449847349 449847365 449847369 449847373 449847651 449847652 449847653 449847686 449847687 449847688 449847689 449847690 449847691 449847692 449847693 449847694 449847695 449847696 449847697 449847698 449847699 449847700 449847701 449847702 449847703 449847704 449847707 449847708 449847723 449847724 449847725 449847726 449847727 449847728 449847729 449847730 449847731 449847736 449847737 450039637 450039638 450039699 450039700 450039701 450039702 450039703 450039704 450039705 450039706 450039707 450039708 450039709 450039710 450039711 450039712 450039713 450039714 450039715 450039716 450039719 450039720 450039721 450039722 450039723 450039724 450039725 450039831 450051386 450051387 450051388 450051390 450051392 450051395 450051399 450051402 450176946 450176947 450176948 450329455 450329456 450329457 482965099
366486751366483295 366486793 450039829 677354259 677354261
389647873186583570 186585268 208795136 208795202 215339961 450039639 450039640 450039641 450039642 450039643 450039644 450039645 450039646 450039647 450039648 450039649 450039747 450039748 450039749 450039750 450039751 450039752 450039753 450039754 450039755 450039756 450039757 450039758 450039759 450039760 450039761 450039762 450039763 450039764 450039765 450039766 450039767 450039768 450039769 450039770 450039771 450039772 450039773 450255234 450255235
392012723449847710 449847711 449847712 449847713 449847714 449847715 449847716 449847717 449847718 449847719 449847720 449847721 449847722
450039613366483295 366483296

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010