last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2947503 Billabong Creek

Names: name=Billabong Creek
OSM: 2947503
Way members: 8

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
132707064448298836 448478973 448478974 448478975 448478976 448478977 448478978 448478979
193074239448298823 448298833 448298853 448298856 448298877 448298880 448298881 448298883 448298888
222405628449847673 449847674 449847675
222405629222404720 449664589 449664590 449664591 449664592 449664593 449664594 449664595 449664596 449664597 449664612 449664613 449664614 449664615 449664616 449664617 449664618 449664619 449664620 449664622 449664647 449664650 449664652 449664655 449664661 449664667 449664672 449664711 449664735 449847226 449847230 449847236 449847243 449847250 449847255 449847264 449847274 449847287 449847455 449847460 449847464 449847468 449847473 449847476 449847481 449847489 449847495 449847515 449847519 449847522 449847526 449847530 449847534 449847537 449847541 449847545 449847633 449847634 449847635 449847636 449847637 449847642 449847643 449847644 449847645 449847646 449847769 449847770 449847771 449847774
366603255175822475 186868493 186868494 186868495 186868496 186868497 227895221 227895226 227895227 227895228 227895229 251751285 366609259 374046265 374046266 374257329 374257366 374257423 448478912 448478918 448478921 448478945 448478953 448478956 448478959 448478962 448478965 448478966 448478967 448478980 448478993 448478994 448478995 448478996 448478997 448479006 448479007 448479008 448479010 448479011 448479012 448479013 448479014 448479015 448479016 448479025 448479026 448479029 448479030 448479032 449664598 449664599 449664600 449664601 449664602 449664603 449664604 449664605 449664606 449664607 449664608 449664611 449664628 449664677 449664685 449664690 449664716 449664724 449664726 449664727 449664728 449664729 449664730 449664731 449664732 449664733 449664734 449664736 449664737 449664738 449664739 449664740 449664743 449664746 449664754 449664756
366609258193071079 259684640 259684642 367359807 367359949 447580219 447580224 448478972 448479009 448479017 448479018 448479023 448479024 448479031 448479033
366609260132707052 132707054 133354718 133354723 133354724 448478913 448478916 448479003 448479034 448479035 448479036 448479037 448479038 448479039 448479040 448479041 448479042 448479043 448479044 448479045 448479046 448479047 448479048 448479049 448479050 448479051 448479052 448479053 449846809 449847398 449847411 449847647 449847648 449847649 449847650 449847668 449847669 449847670 449847671 449847672 449847773

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010